Helena Marque

Project Manager


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Name Helena Marque
Date Of Brith 02 March 1989
Email example@domain.com
Phone 1234156788
Address 43 Road Brooklyn, NY 11214
Fax 985124-3
Experience 8

My Experience

YELLOW STAR INC Project Manager

Quisque ornare nisi massa pulvinar, nec hendrerit elit semper. Ut et orci justo. Nam fringilla, magna nec auctor convallis on this position. ornare nisi massa pulvinar, nec hendrerit elit semper.

NORT STAR INC Project Manager

Ut et orci justo. Nam fringilla, magna nec auctor convallis on this position. Quisque ornare nisi massa pulvinar, nec hendrerit elit semper. Ut et orci justo.

My Skill

Project successes


Team Leading
